5.9.7. Velocity Functions

These are functions that can be called from a Velocity snippet using so-called context variables

Eye M For global variables see Freemarker and Velocity Context Variables Call by using the $metafactory context variable

Name and Type


asList(Object[] someArray): List

Converts a array to a list.

This method can be called from velocity to convert a array to a list so it’s easier to get some element or to find it’s length.

createEmptyList(): List

Creates a empty ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)

createEmptyMap(): Map

Creates a empty Map (java.util.Map)

addLibraryToClass(String library)

Adds a library (import statement) to the current class

addLibraryToClass(String library, boolean isStatic)

Adds a library (import statement) to current class. If isStatic is true, a static import is created, otherwise a “normal” import.

addLibrary(XMIClass sxmiClass, String library, boolean isStatic)

Adds a library (import statement) to sxmiClass. If isStatic is true, a static import is created, otherwise a “normal” import.

addLibraryToInterface(String library)

Adds a library (import statement) to the current interface

addLibraryToInterface(String library, boolean isStatic)

Adds a library (import statement) to current interface. If isStatic is true, a static import is created, otherwise a “normal” import.

addLibrary(XMIInterface sxmiInterface, String library, boolean isStatic)

Adds a library (import statement) to sxmiInterface. If isStatic is true, a static import is created, otherwise a “normal” import.

evaluateSnippet(String snippetName): String

Evaluates a velocity snippet. The snippetName has the the same syntax as the pattern, but without ${snippet. and without }. If the snippet can not be found, it’s automatically created with default content.

Loupe S| Example: We have this snippet expression in the pattern: ${snippet.java.model.operation.tostring}.

We can call this snippet from a velocity template this way:


evaluateSnippet(String snippetName, String defaultSnippetContent): String

Evaluates a velocity snippet. The snippetName has the the same syntax as the pattern, but without ${snippet. and without }. If the snippet can not be found, it’s automatically created with defaultSnippetContent.

Loupe S| Example: We have this snippet expression in the pattern: ${snippet.java.model.operation.tostring}.

We can call this snippet from a velocity template this way:

$generator.evaluateSnippet(“java.model.operation.tostring”, “// TODO: implement toString”)

evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(String snippetName): String

Evaluates a freemarker snippet. The snippetName has the the same syntax as the pattern, but without ${fmsnippet. and without }. If the snippet can not be found, it’s automatically created.

Loupe S| Example: We have this snippet expression in the pattern: ${fmsnippet.java.cdi.beans.load}.

We can call this snippet from a freemarker template this way:


evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(String snippetName, String defaultSnippetContent): String

Evaluates a freemarker snippet. The snippetName has the the same syntax as the pattern, but without ${fmsnippet. and without }. If the snippet can not be found, it’s automatically created with defaultSnippetContent.

Loupe S| Example: We have this snippet expression in the pattern: ${fmsnippet.java.cdi.beans.load}.

We can call this snippet from a freemarker template this way: .. code-block:

$generator.evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(“java.cdi.beans.load”, “default content of new snippet if it doesn’t exist yet”) Call by using the $context context variable

Name and Type


getPatternPropertyValue(String propertyName): String

Finds the value of pattern property with name propertyName and throws PropertyNotFoundException if property not found

Loupe S| Example:Suppose you have the following pattern property:


The pattern property images.webdir can be used in a velocity snippet this way:


getPatternPropertyValue(String key, String defaultValue): String

Finds the value of pattern property with name propertyName and returns defaultValue if property not found

Loupe S| Example:Suppose you have the following pattern property:


The pattern property images.webdir can be used in a velocity snippet this way:

${context.getPatternPropertyValue('images.webdir', 'images')}

existsPatternProperty(String key): boolean

Checks if the pattern property with name is key exists.

Loupe S| Example: Suppose you have the following pattern property:


The following code can be used to check if this property exists:

        …do something
        …do something else

getProjectPropertyValue(String propertyName): String

Finds the value of project property with name propertyName. Throws a PropertyNotFoundException if property not found.

getProjectPropertyValue(String key, String defaultValue): String

Finds the value of project property with name propertyName. Returns defaultValue if property not found.

existsProjectProperty(String key): boolean

Checks if the project property with specified key exists. Call by using the $sxmiFactory context variable

Name and Type



Hammer M Not documented yet. Please send an email. Best practices and lines you often need

  • Always check if your expectations are true. If you expect something to be loaded, check it and give a error with a good explanation => Fail Fast!.

  • Declare and define the variables you need in velocity.