5.9.3. Freemarker context object: metafactory
With the context object “metafactory” all the methods from a template engine can be called.
Method Summary
Modifier and Type |
Method |
Description |
void |
addAttribute(IXMIAttribute sxmiAttribute) |
void |
addAttribute(IXMIInterface sxmiInterface, IXMIAttribute sxmiAttribute) |
void |
addAttributeToClass(IXMIAttribute sxmiAttribute) |
void |
addAttributeToInterface(IXMIAttribute sxmiAttribute) |
void |
addLibrary(IXMIClass sxmiClass, String library) |
void |
addLibrary(String library) |
void |
addLibraryToClass(String library) |
void |
addLibraryToInterface(String library) |
void |
addOperation(IXMIClass sxmiClass, IXMIOperation sxmiOperation) |
void |
addProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName) |
void |
addProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName, int propertyValue, org.jdom2.Namespace namespace) |
void |
addProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
List<?> |
createEmptyList() |
Create an empty Freemarker list. |
Map<?, ?> |
createEmptyMap() |
Create an empty Freemarker map. |
boolean |
elementContainsProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName) |
Check if a property propertyName exist in the element of the pattern or model. |
boolean |
elementContainsProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
Check if a property propertyName exist in the element of the pattern or model. If the property is not found the returned value will be propertyValue |
void |
error(String message) |
String |
evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(String snippetName) |
String |
evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(String snippetName, String defaultContent) |
org.jdom2.Element |
findChildByAttribute(org.jdom2.Element parent, String type, String attributeName, String attributeValue) |
org.jdom2.Element |
findChildByProperty(org.jdom2.Element parent, String type, String propertyName) |
org.jdom2.Element |
findChildByProperty(org.jdom2.Element parent, String type, String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
findChildrenByAttribute(org.jdom2.Element parent, String type, String attributeName, String attributeValue) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
findChildrenByProperty(org.jdom2.Element parent, String type, String propertyName) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
findChildrenByProperty(org.jdom2.Element parent, String type, String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getChildrenWith(org.jdom2.Element parentElement, String childType, String selectorType, String selectorName, String value) |
String |
getElementProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName) |
Check if property propertyName exist in the element of the pattern or model. If the property exist the value is returned, if not found an error occurs. |
String |
getElementProperty(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName, String defaultValue) |
Check if a property propertyName exist in the element of the pattern or model. If the property exist the value is returned, if not found the property is added and get the value defaultValue |
int |
getElementPropertyAsInt(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName, int defaultValue) |
Check if property propertyName exist in the element of the pattern or model. If the property exist the value is returned as an Integer value. If not found the property is added and get the integer value defaultValue |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelAttributesWithProperty(String propertyName) |
A list of all the attribute in the model which object attributes have a property propertyName |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelAttributesWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
A list of all the attribute in the model which object attributes have a property propertyName and the specific value propertyValue |
org.jdom2.Element |
getModelAttributeWithProperty(String propertyName) |
org.jdom2.Element |
getModelAttributeWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
String |
getModelObjectPropertyValue(String objectName, String key) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelObjectsWithProperty(String propertyName) |
A list of all the objects in the model which object have a property propertyName |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelObjectsWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
A list of all the objects in the model which object have a property propertyName and the specific value propertyValue |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelOperationsWithProperty(String propertyName) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelOperationsWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelPackagesWithProperty(String propertyName) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelPackagesWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelReferencesWithProperty(String propertyName) |
A list of all the references in the model which object references have a property propertyName |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getModelReferencesWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
A list of all the references in the model which object references have a property propertyName and the specific value propertyValue |
org.jdom2.Element |
getModelReferenceWithProperty(String propertyName) |
org.jdom2.Element |
getModelReferenceWithProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) |
List<org.jdom2.Element> |
getPropertyElements(org.jdom2.Element element, String propertyName) |
boolean |
isModelChanged() |
void |
IXMIOperation sxmiOperation) |
void |
log(String message) |
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
String |
allLower(String variable) |
String |
allUpper(String variable) |
List<Object> |
asList(Object[] someArray) |
String |
camelToAllUpperUnderscore(String variable) |
String |
decapitalize(String var, String sLength) |
String |
evaluateExpression(String key) |
String |
evaluateSnippet(String snippetName,String defaultContent) |
String |
firstLower(String variable) |
String |
firstToken(String expression, String token) |
String |
firstUpper(String variable) |
String |
getAttributeType(String objectname, String associationPath) |
String |
getHibernateType(String sxmiType) |
String |
getJavaType(String sxmiType) |
String |
getJavaWrapperClass(String sxmiType) |
org.jdom2.Element |
getLastElementFromAssociationPath(String associationPath, org.jdom2.Element parentObjectElement) |
String |
getReferenceType(String objectname, String associationPath) |
String |
getSetterName(String referenceType, String modelObjectName) |
String |
getTokenByIndex(String expression, String token, int tokenNumber) |
String |
getTokenByIndex(String expression, String token, String tokenNumberString) |
String |
getValue(String[] arguments) |
String |
getValueFromMap(String mapName, String key) |
boolean |
isPrimitiveJavaType(String sxmiType) |
String |
lastToken(String expression, String token) |
String |
lastToken(String[] arguments) |
String |
length(String variable) |
String |
packageToPath(String packageName) |
List<?> |
sort(List<? super Object> list, Comparator<? super Object> comparator) |
String |
evaluateExpression(String key) |
String |
evaluateExpression(String key, IContextProxy context) |
String |
evaluateExpression(String key, IContextProxy context, String defaultValue) |
String |
evaluateExpression(String key, String defaultValue) |
String |
evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(String snippetName) |
String |
evaluateFreeMarkerSnippet(String snippetName, String defaultContent) |
String |
evaluateSnippet(String snippetName) |
String |
evaluateSnippet(String snippetName, IContextProxy context, String defaultContent) |
String |
evaluateSnippet(String snippetName, String defaultContent) |